Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Two Week Checkup

As of today, Natalie weighs 10 lbs. 1 oz.! I brought her in for her two week check up and everything is looking great. The one thing that the Doctor wants to get checked is her eyes, so he referred us to someone else for that. She has crossed eyes, but many babies experience that in their first few weeks. He just wanted to make sure that it isn't something more.

We have enjoyed all of our visitors that we have had the past couple of weeks since we've been home. I don't think we've gone one day without having at least one visitor! It sure is nice for me to get some adult interaction too! Here are some of the people that have met Natalie or come to visit in the last week or so:

Uncle Josh

Cousin Dave


Grandpa Doug and Grandma Kim


Beth said...

YEA! I made the Clutter blog! Natalie is just perfect. I'm so happy I got to finally meet her, talk to her, sing to her, and kiss her sweet face. Congratulations again Adam and Melissa. Your daughter is darling!

Love you - Beth

Julie said...

I LOVE that first picture of Natalie! She looks like a gangster! And why shouldn't she...she has the COOLEST cousin (that would be me) :) Haha! I love her and you! She is too cute for words!