Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New You Year!

Starting out 2013 I had the best intentions of following through on all of my goals that I set for myself. As of today I have only started working on 3 of the 20 goals. That's 15% - not good.

Here's to a weekend full of dedication and motivation!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Stress-free Season?

This season has always been a stressful time for me. From Thanksgiving to New Year's offers times to get together with family and friends. Yet in these times of hanging out with loved ones, I am still able to find things to get me overwhelmed: food preparations, gift purchases and wrapping, travel time and making sure to pack enough things to keep a child busy while on the road and at the location, plus many other things.

This year however, I have made the decision to simplify. Fewer presents, not as much food, and fewer time commitments. Even though I still feel a little bit overwhelmed, I'm feeling that this was a step in the right direction. I believe that next year I will be a step closer to feeling more at peace with making the right decisions than at war with my own desires to please everyone.

Because, when I think about it, all of those things that pull at my attention are really just taking attention off of the real reason we celebrate Christmas - our SAVIOR was born this time of year. Let's focus on Him and and worry about pleasing only Him.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Waiting for the seeds to grow.  I tried to tell her it would take a while, but she still wanted to wait.

She look like she did when she was just a baby!

Natalie's Dental X-rays

Natalie had to get "pictures" taken of her teeth and wouldn't do it on her own, so we had to pull out the laughing gas.  I didn't get to go with, but I guess she was pretty talkative once they got her to put the "puppy nose" on!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fun Day in the Sun



Dentist for Natalie

Feeding the geese at the Coon Rapids Dam

Playing at the Park