Monday, January 28, 2008

What a Relief!

At my follow-up doctor appointment on Friday, my doctor told me that I am fine and my pains are nothing to worry about. He did tell me that if I have four or more contractions in an hour for more than one hour, that that is something I should let them know about!

Also, at my 28 week appointment I had to drink some sugary liquid to see if I had acquired gestational diabetes in the 7 months that I have been pregnant. Luckily, my doctor let me know on Friday that I for sure don't have it. My glucose level was in the normal range where they would like it to be.

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers in the last week!

- Melissa

p.s. As we were laying in bed last night the baby was kicking so hard we could see her move and it felt like she might come out of my skin! What an odd feeling! It's great to know that she is so active!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a scare!

The past few days have been quite interesting. On Monday evening I started having cramps and thought it was maybe digestion problems, so didn't really worry about it. Then, on Tuesday they happened again in the late afternoon. I decided to call my clinic and they told me I needed to go to Labor and Delivery at the hospital to make sure I wasn't in pre-term labor.

So, I went to Mercy and they hooked me up to some monitors for the baby's heartbeat and to monitor contractions, if there were any at all. The baby's heartbeat was strong and she was also moving - a lot! The monitor showed some minor contractions that the nurse said were probably just me moving or the baby kicking and moving in me. She did some tests to make sure that I didn't have a bladder infection and to check if I had started dilating at all. We found out that I don't have a bladder infection and I hadn't started dilating yet. The nurse also did another test (called a fetal fibronection test) to double check that I am not dilated and to see if I have an infection at all. I will find out the results of that test this Friday at my follow-up doctor appointment.

We are so glad that the baby is healthy and nothing is wrong. It was very scary to think we could have lost her or that she could have come almost three months early!

Thank you God for protecting our sweet Natalie Rose!

- Melissa

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More Pictures of the Clevelands

Here is one more picture of almost all of the Clevelands:

Uncle Brad, Adam, Melissa, Cousin Johnathon, Uncle Jay, Aunt Cathy, Dad Brian
Aunt Pat, Cousin Kristen, Grandma Carolyn, Grandpa Dave

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year!

We had a great time visiting the Cleveland side of the family in Sarona, WI this weekend. Here is a picture of Melissa, and cousins, Kristen and Johnathon with their grandpa Dave.

Adam was able to go snowmobiling with Aunt Cathy, Uncle Jay, and Grandpa Dave for about 2 hours Saturday morning (Melissa took a nap while they were gone!)

When the snowmobilers came back a few of us went to see Brad and Pat's new lake home (about 40 minutes away). What an amazing place! Thanks for letting us see it!

We had a great time relaxing and enjoying everyone's company. Once we get the whole famliy pictures e-mailed to us, we will post them.

- Melissa