Monday, January 28, 2008

What a Relief!

At my follow-up doctor appointment on Friday, my doctor told me that I am fine and my pains are nothing to worry about. He did tell me that if I have four or more contractions in an hour for more than one hour, that that is something I should let them know about!

Also, at my 28 week appointment I had to drink some sugary liquid to see if I had acquired gestational diabetes in the 7 months that I have been pregnant. Luckily, my doctor let me know on Friday that I for sure don't have it. My glucose level was in the normal range where they would like it to be.

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers in the last week!

- Melissa

p.s. As we were laying in bed last night the baby was kicking so hard we could see her move and it felt like she might come out of my skin! What an odd feeling! It's great to know that she is so active!

1 comment:

Beth said...

OK - so tell that little Natalie that YES we all are excited to meet her, but we are patient (right?) and we can wait the extra couple of months that it takes for her to grow and be ready to face us all. :)

I'm so glad that everything is OK. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Miss you guys!
