Friday, April 10, 2009


Since Natalie's birthday is on Tuesday, I decided that I needed to clean out her dresser and transition from all the clothes that are too small to her 12-18 month clothes (mostly 18 months). The two of us worked together listening to music and dancing while \pulling the old clothes out and putting the new ones in.

This is a video of Natalie helping to open and close the dresser doors. Notice how she has learned to move her head out of the way, so as not to get hit.


AlyssaJoy said...

So cute! She is really good and getting her head out of the way and not crushing her fingers. I'm hoping that Oliver gets the hang of watching out for his head. he is always banging it when he crawls under our coffee table.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Natalie!!
We love you,
Great Auntie Kris & Great Uncle Kim