Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I'm so excited to tell you all about today! Connie brought this "tet" home from work so that I could play in it. It's so much fun to crawl in and out of it.

On our way to the Cowpens Battlefield we saw this water tower that was a big "peets" (do you know what that means?) I made sure everyone saw it.

There were a lot of signs that we had to read. Mommy took most of the pictures while Connie, Daddy, and I looked at them.

We sure did a lot of walking today! Mommy and Daddy tried to get me to walk faster, but I was so distracted with everything around me that it took us over an hour to walk one mile!

This is a monument that Daddy took a picture of - I'm not really sure what it was for. Daddy took pictures of what was written on the sides and I put them on here so you could see it too.

I even took time out from our LONG walk to give Daddy a hug. I love him so much!

These flowers are so pretty and smell sooooo good! Connie says they're called azaleas. I can't wait until we have flowers back home that I can look at and smell.

Here I am playing with Dinah (the little dog) and a whole bunch of other dogs. Then there is a little bit of video of Daddy doing his exercises. He is so creative!


Anonymous said...

I think the daddy part at the end is pretty funny :) Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Natalie has turned into quite a writer - I bet she'll be really good at Scrabble, too. Love, Nana Kim

AlyssaJoy said...

Such fun posts! Looks like you are having a great trip!