Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Marvelous Monday

Hi! I bet you thought this would be Melissa, but it's Natalie. My mommy said that I could do this picture and movie thing for the week that we are on vacation.

Today we woke up really early to fly on a big huge airplane! It was so exciting! While we waited to get on the plane, I ran back and forth from window to window watching planes move around and fly up in the air. Our plane finally arrived and we got on FIRST! The ride on the plane was really fun. I got to sit on my mom's lap almost the whole time. We colored, read books, ate snacks, watched Elmo, went to the bathroom, ate some more snacks, walked up and down the aisle to stretch our legs, and ate more snacks! I didn't cry or get fussy at all during the whole trip!

When we got to the airport, Grandma Connie's friends, Robert and Judy, were there to bring us to Connie's house. It was a long drive there, but when we got there I was able to change into shorts, a tank top, and even put my sunglasses on! It is so warm here - I love being outside when there's no snow and I don't have to wear layers of clothes!

In South Carolina, there are different plants, bugs, and flowers than we have at home. They even have these prickly things that fall off of trees that Connie says are called Sweet Gum trees.

But, I think my favorite part of today was meeting Connie's dogs! She has little dogs, big dogs, black dogs, white dogs, and she even has GOLDEN dogs!

Today was so much fun. I can't wait to see what we do tomorrow! I may even take a nap since I didn't take one today.

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