Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday...our last day :(

Today was the most fun out of all the days that we've been here - at least in MY opinion! I'll see if you can figure out what we did today by this video Mommy took of me:

Yep - we went to a Dairy Farm!!! It's called the Happy Cow Creamery. The cows there really were so happy. I even got to pet a few of them!

This picture of me and Daddy is a funny one. It was SO windy out I had to squint my eyes.

We got to the farm a little bit earlier than the school kids did, so we got to see some things that they weren't going to be able to see during the tour. In the back of the barn are all the young cows. They were very excited to see us!

One of them even tried to lick my shoe off! Their tongues kind of feel like a cat's tongue does - scratchy!

This is the group of Kindergartners from Fork Shoals Elementary School. They were very wild!

Did you know that they use machines to get the milk out of the cows' udders?! One of the kids thought they were called gutters! They have to get up at 5:00 in the morning to milk all 66 of the cows. That is really early!
After our tour was done, there were these mommy cows eating some hay. I was so excited to get this close to them! Mommy tried to tell me that we were going to have hay for lunch too, but I said, "Noooo" and shook my head. She changed her mind and we had sandwiches instead. I'm sure glad she listened to me!

For dinner we went to this cute place called Stella's. They had really good macaroni and cheese, shrimp, and parmesan fries! Connie has a special bag called the Magic Bag that she keeps with her when we go out to eat. If I'm really good and sit at the table like a big girl, she lets me play with one of the things in her bag. Tonight when she pulled out the bag, she had a birthday present for me! That was a surprise!

It was a puzzle with lots of farm animals on it! I got them all right on the first try - Connie was very impressed with my puzzle skills. They also let us color on the table with crayons. Stella's is the BEST!

When it was time for dessert, Mommy, Daddy, and Connie had Butter Pecan Bread Pudding. It looked good, but then I saw what I got - an Elmo cupcake!!!

Here are a few pictures of me eating my Elmo cupcake. I really liked the frosting!

When we got back home, I was all hyped up on sugar, so there was NO way I was going to go to bed right away. We let some of the dogs in and I got to play with them. I love when their tails tickle my face!

I really want to stay at Connie's, but Daddy and Mommy say we have to go home tomorrow. :( That makes me sad, but you know what?! Only one more week until my birthday party! It's going to be so fun! I can't wait to tell you all about that adventure too.

That's all for tonight, but I will let you know how the plane trip goes tomorrow. Mommy hopes that there won't be too much bouncing while we are flying, but I love that part. I always say, "Wheeee!"

Tigh tight! (Night night)

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