Monday, March 10, 2008

Baby Shower #2

On Sunday we had our second shower which included family friends and Melissa's side of the family. The following are some pictures that were taken:

The hostesses of the shower and me - Mom, me, Vickie, and Stacy:

My mother-in-law, Lois, and me:

Natalie's Great Aunt Kris and Great Grandma Nila:

One of the many gift items that we received that day:

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the shower! Thank you also to those of you unable to make it to the shower that sent gifts anyway. We really appreciate all of our wonderful friends and family.


1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey you - I am so sorry that I had to miss your day. It looks like you had a great time. I LOVE the diaper cake. :) I can't believe how long Lois's hair is! WOW! Well, I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. And I absolutely can't wait to meet that sweet little girl. Would she just get here already?! KIDDING. ;)

Hi to everyone - Beth