Monday, March 17, 2008


We just got home from our ultrasound and got some great news. The baby is healthy and looks great. She weighs about 7 1/2 pounds which means that instead of being 36 weeks pregnant, I am actually measuring 38 WEEKS!!! We just lost two weeks! My due date is now March 31st instead of April 14th.

Adam and I are extremely excited and can't believe that now in about two weeks (or less!) we will be parents! The baby's room has been ready for a while, so that's good. Now I just have to wrap my mind around the fact that this little baby is coming sooner than originally planned. At least she takes after us and is planning on being early and not late!

We got two ultrasound pictures tonight, but they aren't very clear (I guess it's not as easy to get a clear picture when there isn't as much room for the baby to spread out).

This first one is of one of her feet. It's a sideways shot of her foot upside down. Her toes are on the right and her heel is at the left - the bottom of her foot is at the top.

This one is of her face. It's hard to pick out, but her lips are in the middle of the picture and her nose is to the right of it. You can also see her nostrils if you look close!

We can't wait for you all to meet her when she comes!

- Melissa

p.s. I forgot to mention that the ultrasound tech said that it looked like she already had a lot of hair! Hopefully it will be red and curly!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh my goodness! I can totally make out her sweet little face. I can't wait to meet beautiful Natalie and welcome her to the world!

Thinking of you...and SO EXCITED!!!! - Beth