Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank You Room 206!

Wow! What a surprise! The teacher and kids in the room that I interpret threw a surprise baby shower for me today!

I guess they have been bringing money in to contribute to a group gift and they brought enough in that we got lots of gifts -

A blanket with the theme we picked for the baby's room:

Cubes in the same matching theme:

A quilt that one of the student's moms made (we also got burp rags from them earlier in the year that match!):

And the most surprising of all the gifts - a pack 'n play! We also got a sheet for the pad that lays on the bottom:

Here's the pack 'n play all set up in our living room (for now):

Thank you to all the families of the students in Mrs. Bergh's 2nd Grade classroom. Adam and I appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity!

I was also surprised with a book of advice from the 2nd Graders on how to take care of the baby and how to be good parents. Some of the tips they gave included:

"To feed a baby you can nurse it or give it a bottle. It doesn't really matter."
"Baby's seem like hard work. Well, I think they are."
"Make sure that you fee your baby lots of cold milk!"
"You have to give her lots of hugs and kisses."
"Taking care of the smelly diaper is a hard job!"
"The best part is kissing the baby's cheeks!"
"Talk gently to the baby so she can not be sad or cry."
"Rock the baby, but not too fast."

Mrs. Bergh had me read the pages outloud to the kids since they hadn't heard the other kids' advice yet:

Here's a picture of the whole class (except for two that were absent):

Thanks for everything Room 206! And a huge thank you to Jeanna Miller and Colleen Bergh who got everything together and were still able to keep it a secret!

- Melissa

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