Sunday, December 11, 2011

Clutter Christmas 2011

Yesterday was our first Christmas gathering of the year.  We spent the day at Dave and Anissa's with the whole family.

We had appetizers and desserts...

Natalie went to take a "rest" in the girls' room.  She started on the bottom bunk, but when I went to check on her at one point, she had made her way to the top.

Made time for a couple rounds of Guesstures and later on some Catchphrase.

Natalie showing her Uncle Jackson how to play with babies

Making a gingerbread village - Corinne's showing Josh how it's done the right way

Uncle Jackson cracking up at Rich's funny voices

"I want to hold Baby Jackson!"

Jackson thought this present looked good...

...good enough to eat!

She loves to kiss babies!

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