Monday, March 31, 2008

Saturday Shower

We had our third shower on Saturday which included Adam's family and some family friends. We are truly blessed to be loved by so many people and are definitely prepared for when the baby comes!

Melissa with Adam's cousin Julie, the host of the shower - thank you so much Julie! It was a wonderful day!

One of the cute outfits we received. The baby will have enough outfits that we will be able to have her in 4 or more a day!

Adam's dad Dave and aunt Cheryl (with brother Jordan's bunny ears in the background!):

Adam and his Grandma Mild (or should I say Great Great Grandma?!):

Marni and her mom Laury - thank you for making it to the shower!

Thank you everyone for coming to the shower and for all of the wonderful gifts! We appreciate you all!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank You Room 206!

Wow! What a surprise! The teacher and kids in the room that I interpret threw a surprise baby shower for me today!

I guess they have been bringing money in to contribute to a group gift and they brought enough in that we got lots of gifts -

A blanket with the theme we picked for the baby's room:

Cubes in the same matching theme:

A quilt that one of the student's moms made (we also got burp rags from them earlier in the year that match!):

And the most surprising of all the gifts - a pack 'n play! We also got a sheet for the pad that lays on the bottom:

Here's the pack 'n play all set up in our living room (for now):

Thank you to all the families of the students in Mrs. Bergh's 2nd Grade classroom. Adam and I appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity!

I was also surprised with a book of advice from the 2nd Graders on how to take care of the baby and how to be good parents. Some of the tips they gave included:

"To feed a baby you can nurse it or give it a bottle. It doesn't really matter."
"Baby's seem like hard work. Well, I think they are."
"Make sure that you fee your baby lots of cold milk!"
"You have to give her lots of hugs and kisses."
"Taking care of the smelly diaper is a hard job!"
"The best part is kissing the baby's cheeks!"
"Talk gently to the baby so she can not be sad or cry."
"Rock the baby, but not too fast."

Mrs. Bergh had me read the pages outloud to the kids since they hadn't heard the other kids' advice yet:

Here's a picture of the whole class (except for two that were absent):

Thanks for everything Room 206! And a huge thank you to Jeanna Miller and Colleen Bergh who got everything together and were still able to keep it a secret!

- Melissa

Easter Sunday

We had a great time yesterday at Grandpa and Grandma Mild's! Adam and Uncle Gary played their traditional ping pong games both before and after dinner. The following is a picture of the two of them (Gary says that Melissa is the reason he lost this game - because he had to pose for the pictures!).

After leaving Grandpa and Grandma Mild's we went to Dad Dave's to hang out for a while. We had a really relaxing time and got to see a lot of the family.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Brunswick Zone

Last night Adam and I went out to eat at Space Aliens with Bryan and Marni. After that, we went to Brunswick Zone for bowling. We had a really great time and afterwards we went into the arcade so the guys could play a game. Here's a picture of what one they decided on (it's a little blurry because they kept moving!):

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yet Another Doctor Visit!

I went to another Doctor appointment last night as a follow-up to my ultrasound and received different information than what the ultrasound tech gave us.

Although I am measuring 38 weeks and 3 days and the baby is already at 7 1/2 lbs., our doctor said that he would like to keep our due date the same (April 14th). The reason for this is that if the baby is big (he said the ultrasound could be off by a pound either way) that it wouldn't be good to induce me and try to push her out if she's a huge baby. So if she's 7 1/2 lbs. now (+/- 1 lb.) and gains 1/2 lb. per week, she could weigh anywhere between 8 1/2 - 10 1/2 lbs. when she's born!

He also said that he would like me to have another ultrasound around my due date (if she's not born yet!). If she is more than 5000 grams (10 1/2 lbs.), he will want to do a C-section. However, if she's under that he would like to have me try to have her the normal way.

We will definitely keep you all updated and let you know when she finally arrives!

- Melissa

Monday, March 17, 2008

Palm Sunday Pictures

Adam and I went to my parent's this weekend to have an early Easter get together with them and Keith, Stacy, Chris and Marissa. We had a really good time and the kids enjoyed looking for their Easter Eggs. Not only was the company good but the food was great too!

Here are some pictures:

Chris, Keith, Marissa and Stacy

Melissa and Adam


We just got home from our ultrasound and got some great news. The baby is healthy and looks great. She weighs about 7 1/2 pounds which means that instead of being 36 weeks pregnant, I am actually measuring 38 WEEKS!!! We just lost two weeks! My due date is now March 31st instead of April 14th.

Adam and I are extremely excited and can't believe that now in about two weeks (or less!) we will be parents! The baby's room has been ready for a while, so that's good. Now I just have to wrap my mind around the fact that this little baby is coming sooner than originally planned. At least she takes after us and is planning on being early and not late!

We got two ultrasound pictures tonight, but they aren't very clear (I guess it's not as easy to get a clear picture when there isn't as much room for the baby to spread out).

This first one is of one of her feet. It's a sideways shot of her foot upside down. Her toes are on the right and her heel is at the left - the bottom of her foot is at the top.

This one is of her face. It's hard to pick out, but her lips are in the middle of the picture and her nose is to the right of it. You can also see her nostrils if you look close!

We can't wait for you all to meet her when she comes!

- Melissa

p.s. I forgot to mention that the ultrasound tech said that it looked like she already had a lot of hair! Hopefully it will be red and curly!

36 Week Check Up

On Friday we had my 36 week doctor appointment. Our doctor said that I was measuring a little bit bog for how far along I was and wanted me to schedule another ultrasound. That appointment is scheduled for this evening at 5:00 pm. I am hoping to get some pictures to post either later this evening or tomorrow sometime.

Depending on what they see in the ultrasound, they may move my due date up or decide that I need to have a c-section. I don't know what the other options would be if the baby is larger than normal. There are some other things that would cause me to be large, but we'll have to wait and see what they say.

We'll keep you all posted!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Baby Shower #2

On Sunday we had our second shower which included family friends and Melissa's side of the family. The following are some pictures that were taken:

The hostesses of the shower and me - Mom, me, Vickie, and Stacy:

My mother-in-law, Lois, and me:

Natalie's Great Aunt Kris and Great Grandma Nila:

One of the many gift items that we received that day:

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the shower! Thank you also to those of you unable to make it to the shower that sent gifts anyway. We really appreciate all of our wonderful friends and family.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Baby Gifts

Here's a picture of Adam breaking in one of our new baby gifts. We're trying to get in as many naps as we can before the baby comes!

This is a quilt that we got today that Great Grandma Bonasera made. The colors are perfect for the baby's room!

We are getting so excited and can't wait to meet our sweet little girl!
