Monday, September 13, 2010

Dance Class

I know, it's been a while since our last post and this title isn't very creative. The only excuses I have are that I haven't been taking very many pictures (therefore don't have any to post) and I'm getting over a cold and running low on sleep and any creativity I may have had.

Here are some pictures from dance class tonight. I am hoping to get some editing done on the videos tomorrow, so that you don't have to watch 45 minutes of video.
Ballet slippers (as Natalie calls them)
Tap shoes
Checking out all the other boys and girls in her class
Another redhead!
Doesn't she just look so happy?!
Two and a half years old and this is her first time being taught in a group with other kids. I guess she did pretty well (no tears), but hopefully next time she'll be more interested in what the teachers are doing instead of finding her 'X' on the ground and yelling "Mommy! Found it!"

1 comment:

Beth said...

She is getting so big, Melissa! I can't believe your grown up little girl.