Monday, May 4, 2009

Hey, I CAN see the (dim) light at the end of the tunnel!

I don't have pictures to post right now (I'm on a break at work), but I was just too excited to wait until I got home to make a post.  We are making some huge progress today!

1.  Adam and Mark are putting in the egress window today.  

2.  Once the window's in, they can put the last piece of sheetrock in and finish the mudding.

3.  Once the mudding's finished we can sand.

4.  Once the sanding's finished, we can PAINT!  This is the step that I have been anticipating for months!

Hopefully by the time I get home tonight, I will be able to take some pictures and then everyone can share in my excitement. :)

You know what I just thought?  Once the basement's done, we will be done with remodeling.

But then I had another thought...

What about the KITCHEN?????

1 comment:

The Bennett's... said...

Always something you can fix up more. It will be nice to be done and I know you will enjoy it! Your hard work payed off.